Learn How To Garden...Lasagna Style!

Discover the magic of gardening without the hassle of digging or tilling! Join us this Friday between 1:00pm-3:00pm, June 28th at 1742 101st St. (weather permitting) for a hands-on experience at the Battlefords District Food & Resource Centre’s Lasagna Garden.

No, we won't be cooking up a pasta feast, but we will be diving into an innovative gardening technique that layers materials to create fertile soil beds. If you've ever felt daunted by traditional gardening methods or experienced setbacks in the past, this approach is your opportunity to turn things around. Imagine creating a thriving garden plot in just one afternoon!

Come and plant seeds with us while learning the secrets of lasagna gardening. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned gardener, this event promises to spice up your gardening skills and inspire a bountiful harvest. All those who show up will be entered into a draw for a fabulous summer prize!!

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